Established in 2003, Research Bank provides highly detailed company profiles covering the world's largest companies. We use tried and tested methodology to research information on the world's largest companies.
Each year our database grows in data depth as we aggregate more and more selected financial information for the world's largest companies. Currently the majority of the company profiles have 10 years of condensed and selected financial information. Our verified executive count grows annually and stands at 35,000 executives across the global database.
Much of the information on the world's largest companies is readily available. Most the biggest global companies are public and information is easy to find. However, where Research Bank adds a huge amount of value is by aggregating companies by sector, region or country.
Find the world's largest companies alphabetically.
Our database on the world's largest companies currently holds data on more than 500 companies and is priced highly competitively. This in-depth report at over 2,400 pages frees you up and saves you having to hunt and peck across the internet for information on the biggest global companies.
Research Bank have concentrated on the the biggest and leading global companies to ensure that quality of data is the key driver. We are candidly a small company but this gives us the advantage and old-fashioned ethics of delivering above expectations.
Each company report has the following information where available:-
- Company Name
- Company Variant Name
- Full Contact details
- Email
- Website
- SIC Codes
- Date of Establishment
- Stock Exchange and Ticker
- Competitors
- Activities Description
- Board of Directors
- Senior Management and Key Decision Makers
- Executive Biographies
- Selected Financial Data covering 10 Years (Sales, PBT, PAT, Shareholders' Equity, Total Assets, EPS and Dividends)
- Analyst Coverage
- Trade Names
- Locations
In addition to providing these reports that are easily accessed, purchased and downloaded, Research Bank provides a range of business intelligence and research services. These services include Company Profiling, Competitive Intelligence, Customised Research, Database Maintenance and Database Enhancement services. |