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Alcatel Lucent Company Profile

54 rue La Bo�tie Tel: +33 1 40 76 10 10  
F-75382 Paris Fax: +33 1 40 76 14 00  
Date of Establishment 1898
Employees 79,796
Ticker Symbol New York: ALU
SIC Codes 3599 3621 3643 3661 3663 3669 3691 3692 4911 8711
Sector Communications Equipment

Alcatel Lucent Principal Activities and Company Overview

Alcatel-Lucent is engaged in the manufacture and provision of services and products in the telecommunications sector including network systems, mobile communications, radio transmission, space and defence systems, business systems, telecommunications and energy cables, transport automation and other technologies.

Alcatel-Lucent also operates in the energy and transport industries providing products related to power generation, power transmission and distribution, railway transportation, shipbuilding, industrial equipment. Additionally, Alcatel-Lucent carries out electrical engineering projects including electrical contracting, industrial and services process control, technical support services.

Alcatel-Lucent was formed through the merger of Alcatel and Lucent Technologies.

Alcatel Lucent Board of Directors

Philippe Camus, Chairman
Ben Verwaayen, CEO
Daniel Bernard, Director
Frank W Blount, Director
Carla Cico, Director
Stuart E. Eizenstat, Director
Louis R Hughes, Director
Sylvia Jay, Director
Jean C Monty, Director
Olivier Piou, Director
Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Director
Alcatel Lucent Leadership, Senior Decision Makers and Key Executives
Ben Verwaayen, CEO
Pierre Barnab�, Corporate Human Resources & Transformation
Tom Burns, Enterprise and Strategic Industries
Stephen A. Carter, Marketing, Strategy & Communication
Robin Dargue, Business and IT Transformation
Janet Davidson, Quality
John Dickson, Operations
Kenneth Frank, Solutions
Gabrielle Gauthey, Public Affairs
Adolfo Hernandez, Europe, Middle East and Africa
Philippe Keryer, Networks
Jeong Kim, Bell Labs
Vivek Mohan, Services
Steve Reynolds, Legal
Paul Segre, Applications
Rajeev Singh-Molares, Asia Pacific
Paul Tufano, Finance
Robert Vrij, Americas

Full Alcatel Lucent company profile includes*:-
Alcatel Lucent Selected Financial Data over 9 Years Selected financial information over 10 years to include revenue, profit before tax, net income, shareholders' equity, total assets, earnings per share and dividends per share
Alcatel Lucent Full Contact Details Alcatel Lucent Full Contact Details
Alcatel Lucent Analyst coverage Alcatel Lucent Analyst Coverage
Alcatel Lucent snapshot data and quick facts Consolidated and condensed data and quick facts such as revenues by segment, market share, geographical segment information, return on equity, R&D expenditure etc Alcatel Lucent snapshot data and quick facts Consolidated and condensed data and quick facts such as revenues by segment, market share, geographical segment information, return on equity, R&D expenditure etc
Alcatel Lucent List of competitors Alcatel Lucent List of Competitors
Alcatel Lucent Board of Directors Alcatel Lucent Board of Directors
Alcatel Lucent  Key Management & Decision Makers Alcatel Lucent Key Management & Decision Makers
Alcatel Lucent Executive Biographies Alcatel Lucent Executive Biographies
Alcatel Lucent Activities Overview and Company Background Alcatel Lucent Activities Overview and Company Background
Alcatel Lucent Office and Location Directory Alcatel Lucent Office and Location Directory
Alcatel Lucent Tradename Alcatel Lucent Tradenames
Alcatel Lucent Date of establishment Alcatel Lucent Date of establishment
Alcatel Lucent Number of Employees Alcatel Lucent Number of employees
Alcatel Lucent SIC Codes Alcatel Lucent SIC codes
Alcatel Lucent Ticker symbol / company type Alcatel Lucent Ticker symbol / company type
  * where available

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