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India Global company profiles

India Global Report Add this report to your basket

8 companies fully profiled including those listed below. A highly detailed report providing snapshot data on the largest India companies.

The report includes*:-

- Company Name - Company Variant Name - Full Contact details - Email - Website - SIC Codes - Date of Establishment - Stock Exchange and Ticker - Competitors - Activities Description - Board of Directors - Senior Management and Key Decision Makers - Executive Biographies - Selected Financial Data covering 10 Years (Sales, PBT, PAT, Shareholders' Equity, Total Assets, EPS and Dividends) - Analyst Coverage - Trade Names - Locations


20 pages

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Petroleum Refining
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Petroleum Refining
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Petroleum Refining
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd Mining
Reliance Industries Limited Petroleum Refining
State Bank of India Banking and Finance
Tata Motors Automotive
Tata Steel Limited Metals



Asia Pacific | Europe | Latin America | North America | South West Asia


Australia | Austria | Brazil | Canada | China | Denmark | Finland | France | Germany | Hong Kong | India | Italy | Japan | Luxembourg | Malaysia | Mexico | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Republic of Ireland | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Singapore | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States | Venezuela


Aerospace and Defence | Airlines | Automotive | Banking and Finance | Building Materials | Chemicals | Communications Equipment | Diverse | Electronics | Employment | Energy | Engineering Construction | Entertainment | Food and Drink | Health Care | Industrial Farm Equipment | Insurance | IT | Metals | Mining | Paper | Personal/Household Products | Petroleum Refining | Pharmaceuticals | Photographic/Scientific Equipment | Post/Courier/Freight Services | Railways | Retail | Securities | Semiconductors | Shipping | Telecommunications | Tobacco | Trading | Utilities | Wholesale


#| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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