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George Weston Limited Company Profile

22 St. Clair Avenue East Tel: +1 416 922 2500  
Toronto M4T 2S7 Fax: +1 416 922 4395  
North America  
Date of Establishment 1882
Employees 142,000
Ticker Symbol Toronto: WN
SIC Codes 5411
Sector Retail

George Weston Limited Principal Activities and Company Overview

George Weston Limited manufactures and distributes food. The Company owns and operates retail supermarket company Loblaw Companies Limited as well as wholesale food distribution companies to include Provigo, Zehrs and Loblaws.

The Company operates through two reportable segments:-

� Weston Foods
� Food Distribution

George Weston Limited Board of Directors

W Galen Weston, Chairman and President
Allan L Leighton, Deputy Chairman
A Charles Baillie, Director
Warren Bryant, Director
Robert J Dart, Director
Peter B M Eby, Director
Anne L Fraser, Director
Anthony R Graham, Director
John S Lacey, Director
Isabelle Marcoux, Director
J Robert S Prichard, Director
Thomas F Rahilly, Director
George Weston Limited Leadership, Senior Decision Makers and Key Executives
W. Galen Weston, Chairman and President
Allan L. Leighton, Deputy Chairman
Pavi Binning, Chief Financial Officer
Gordon A.M. Currie, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
Robert G. Vaux, Executive Vice President, Corporate Development
Robert A. Balcom, Senior Vice President, General Counsel � Canada and Secretary
J. Bradley Holland, Senior Vice President, Taxation
Lucy J. Paglione, Senior Vice President, Pension and Benefits
Jeremy Roberts, Senior Vice President, Finance
Geoffrey H. Wilson, Senior Vice President, Financial Control and Investor Relations
Gabriel R. Crozzoli, Vice President, Canadian Tax
David Farnfield, Vice President, Commodities
Lina Taglieri, Vice President, Controller
Adam Walsh, Vice President, Legal Counsel

� Weston Foods US
Ralph A. Robinson, President, Interbake Foods
David G. Winiger, VP, Maplehurst Bakeries

� Weston Foods Canada
Lorena M. Ferino, VP Information Technology and Systems
Pieter J. Fontein, VP Corporate Development
Benoit Gr�goire, VP and GM, Quebec
Wayne W. Greer, VP Food Service
Edward J. Holik, President, Ready Bake Foods & GM Western Canada
John Klecker, VP Business Development
Maria Liang, VP Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Darren Mahaffy, VP Marketing
Mark McNeil, VP Sales and VP and GM Atlantic Canada
Rolando Sardellitti, VP Finance and CFO

� Loblaw
Galen G. Weston, Executive Chairman
Allan L. Leighton, President and Deputy Chairman
Bob Vaux, Chief Financial Officer
Dalton Philips, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Frank Rocchetti, Executive Vice President and Chief Merchandising Officer
S. Jane Marshall, Executive Vice President, Loblaw Properties
Jocyanne Bourdeau, Executive Vice President, Quebec Market
Grant Froese, Executive Vice President, Western Market
Andrew MacIsaac, Executive Vice President, Atlantic Market
Roland Boudreau, Executive Vice President, Ontario Market
Mark Butler, Executive Vice President, National Operations
Peter McMahon, Executive Vice President, Supply Chain
Sarah Davis, Executive Vice President, Finance
Roy R. Conliffe, Executive Vice President, Labour Relations
Judy McCrie, Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Gordon Currie, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
Barry Columb, Executive Vice President, Financial Services
Robert A. Balcom, Senior Vice President and Secretary
Catherine Booth, Senior Vice President, Information Services Department
Todd Friars, Senior Vice President, Central Financial Services & System Development Services
Doug Moffatt, Senior Vice President, Finance
Tim Scott, Senior Vice President, Internal Audit and Internal Control Compliance
Lucy J. Paglione, Senior Vice President, Pension and Benefits
Geoffrey H. Wilson, Senior Vice President, Shared Services
Manny DiFilippo, Senior Vice President, Risk Management and Strategic Initiatives
J. Bradley Holland, Senior Vice President, Taxation
Michael Lovsin, Senior Vice President, Loblaw Brands
Inge van den Berg, Vice President, Investor Relations
David G. Gore, Vice President, Legal Counsel, Compliance
Lisa R. Swartzman, Vice President, Treasurer
Lawrence C. Griffin, Vice President, Food Safety
Michael N. Kimber, Vice President, Legal Counsel
Swavek A. Czapinski, Assistant Treasurer
Walter H. Kraus, Senior Director, Environmental Affairs

Full George Weston Limited company profile includes*:-
George Weston Limited Selected Financial Data over 9 Years Selected financial information over 10 years to include revenue, profit before tax, net income, shareholders' equity, total assets, earnings per share and dividends per share
George Weston Limited Full Contact Details George Weston Limited Full Contact Details
George Weston Limited Analyst coverage George Weston Limited Analyst Coverage
George Weston Limited snapshot data and quick facts Consolidated and condensed data and quick facts such as revenues by segment, market share, geographical segment information, return on equity, R&D expenditure etc George Weston Limited snapshot data and quick facts Consolidated and condensed data and quick facts such as revenues by segment, market share, geographical segment information, return on equity, R&D expenditure etc
George Weston Limited List of competitors George Weston Limited List of Competitors
George Weston Limited Board of Directors George Weston Limited Board of Directors
George Weston Limited  Key Management & Decision Makers George Weston Limited Key Management & Decision Makers
George Weston Limited Executive Biographies George Weston Limited Executive Biographies
George Weston Limited Activities Overview and Company Background George Weston Limited Activities Overview and Company Background
George Weston Limited Office and Location Directory George Weston Limited Office and Location Directory
George Weston Limited Tradename George Weston Limited Tradenames
George Weston Limited Date of establishment George Weston Limited Date of establishment
George Weston Limited Number of Employees George Weston Limited Number of employees
George Weston Limited SIC Codes George Weston Limited SIC codes
George Weston Limited Ticker symbol / company type George Weston Limited Ticker symbol / company type
  * where available

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